Expeditionary Warrior (EW), the Marine Corps’ Title 10 wargame series, is conducted annually by the Wargaming Division of the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory to examine issues relating to the future of the force, with representatives from every Service of the U.S. Armed Forces, combatant commands and multinational partners.  This year, EW13 examined a vision of maritime operations that leverages forces deployed forward to gain awareness of the operating environment, act early, and scale the response to the threat or crisis across the range of military operations, including major combat.


Topics of the Title 10 wargame leverage ongoing joint and naval initiatives and issues.  EW12 examined the joint and naval force’s ability to overcome anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) challenges.  EW11 served as a prelude by helping develop the Joint Operational Access Concept (JOAC), while also informing MCWL’s Enhanced Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Operations series of experiments.  From 2008 to 2010, the EW series studied seabasing.


After up to a year of working groups, planning conferences, excursions and other events, the wargame pathway culminates in the Main Event, which typically occurs in the winter and deconflicts with the other Services’ Title 10 wargames.  Insights and observations of the wargame are captured, analyzed and published in two products.  A QuickLook Report is published within two weeks of the conclusion of the Main Event by the Commanding General, Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory.  This initial report is followed several months later by a Final Report, which is approved for publication by the Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command.  Planners across Headquarters Marine Corps transition the findings for use in Service-level planning documents such as the Marine Corps Service Campaign Plan.


Queries about the Title 10 wargame series can be sent via email to EW@usmc.mil

This year's iteration of the Expeditionary Warrior (EW) series explored the Future Maritime Operations draft concept, which emphasizes regional networks and relationships to gain awareness and context about the operating environment, provides agile, scalable task-organized forces to respond to the threat or crisis, and leverages forward deployed forces to act early.

Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory