The office of Science and Technology Integration (OSTI) supports CG, MCWL in his responsibility as the EA for Marine Corps S&T. OSTI functions to coordinate S&T within the combat development process from "requirement to transition." To do this, OSTI works with DOD, ONR, DARPA, CD&I, Program Executive Office, HQMC and MCSC to develop the vision, policies, and strategies needed to exploit scientific research and technological development. The Integration office works in tandem with the TISO/FTO to identify future S&T enablers that address urgent and compelling needs or can be used as a "surrogate technology/s" during experimentation.
Office of Science and Technology Integration Tasks and Functions:
- Focus, coordinate and integrate Marine Corps S&T efforts
- Monitor the Marine Corps S&T program to ensure technical quality, responsiveness to requirements and timely transition of products
- Provide a DARPA Transition Officer to stay abreast of DARPA’s ongoing efforts and to ensure the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab’s ability to incorporate relevant technologies into future experimentation
- Publish S&T documents
For additional information please email:
Marine Corps OFFICE OF Science and Technology INTEGRATION ProgramS.