Office of Science and Technology Integration

Marine Corps Warfighting Lab
Quantico, VA

The office of Science and Technology Integration (OSTI) supports CG, MCWL in his responsibility as the EA for Marine Corps S&T. OSTI functions to coordinate S&T within the combat development process from "requirement to transition." To do this, OSTI works with DOD, ONR, DARPA, CD&I, Program Executive Office, HQMC and MCSC to develop the vision, policies, and strategies needed to exploit scientific research and technological development. The Integration office works in tandem with the TISO/FTO to identify future S&T enablers that address urgent and compelling needs or can be used as a "surrogate technology/s" during experimentation.

Office of Science and Technology Integration Tasks and Functions:

  • Focus, coordinate and integrate Marine Corps S&T efforts
  • Monitor the Marine Corps S&T program to ensure technical quality, responsiveness to requirements and timely transition of products
  • Provide a DARPA Transition Officer to stay abreast of DARPA’s ongoing efforts and to ensure the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab’s ability to incorporate relevant technologies into future experimentation
  • Publish S&T documents

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Marine Corps OFFICE OF Science and Technology INTEGRATION ProgramS.

Rapid Defense Epxerimentation Reserve

The Secretary of Defense established the Rapid Defense Experimentation Reserve (RDER) program to 1) expand multi-Component experimentation in a structured, multi-year campaign of learning, 2) propose experiments based on alignment to Joint missions and potential to yield demonstrable warfighting utility in the near-term, 3) conduct Joint-Combine experiments and demonstrations at key exercise venues, and 4) transition promising demonstrative capabilities to the Components for fielding as new systems and approaches.   

Coalition Warfare Program 

The Coalition Warfare Program (CWP) provides funding on a competitive basis to DoD organizations to conduct cooperative research development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) projects with foreign partners. The goals of the CWP program are to collaboratively address strategic technology gaps for current and future missions, develop interoperability solutions for coalition operations, and strengthen current defense partnerships and develop new relationships. 


The Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) program’s mission is to find, assess, and field world-class technologies to enhance military capabilities and provide long-term value. Technologies should present significant cost savings resulting in a positive return on investment, significant schedule savings resulting in earlier fielded capability, and significant performance enhancements. The FCT program also connects foreign technologies to U.S. DoD development and acquisition programs while strengthening alliances by sourcing world-class solutions to shared defense problems.


The Joint Test and Evaluation (JT&E) program considers emerging technologies and the increasingly complex and dynamic, joint, multi-domain operational environment to plan and execute joint tests intended to deliver non-materiel solutions and enhance the United States’ operational effectiveness, suitability, and survivability in combat. 


The Warfighting Lab Incentive Fund (WLIF) supports the development and refinement of Service and Joint Concept of Operations through field experiments and demonstrations. The program’s goal is to evaluate and analyze more effective ways of using current capabilities, identify new ways to incorporate technologies into future operations and organizations that best promote innovative outcomes.  


The Wargaming Incentive Fund (WIF) is a financial vehicle used for rewarding promising wargaming activities across the Defense enterprise.  Since its inception, WIF evolved into an avenue for Department-wide organizations to receive monies to explore, via wargames, analytic questions of interest to the senior leaders in the Department. 


The Joint Deployment and Distribution Enterprise (JDDE) program provides funds to transition prototypes that align with U.S. Transportation Command technology needs and focus areas, such as emerging technologies with joint deployment/distribution improvement potential and operational prototypes that can transition and integrate within existing JDDE systems, architectures, and programs/systems of record.​ 


The Defense Innovation and Acceleration (DIA) program aims to accelerate development of innovative prototype capabilities to address combatant command strategic, urgent, and emergent needs; fill operational gaps; and reduce technical risk. The DIA program pursues this objective by soliciting innovative technical solutions from the National Research Enterprise to include industry and academia to address cross-Service/cross-domain military needs. 

    Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory