The Culebra Series focuses on developing distinctive force capabilities; including concept development, doctrine refinement, and the identification and refinement of critical capabilities. Culebra often connects with, and leverages, Title 10 supporting concepts. Current examples are:
- Marine Corps Marathon Series. Conducted in conjunction with the Marine Corps Marathon Office, the purpose is to discuss anti-terrorism and force protection issues pertaining to the running of the annual Marine Corps Marathon.
- Industry Wargame Series. Conducted in conjunction with the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), this program helps maintain a dialogue with industry, facilitates a larger role for industry in Marine Corps events, and leverages the considerable expertise of the defense industry in addressing key expeditionary capabilities issues.
- CD&I Strategic Communication. Conducted in conjunction with CD&I MCCDC, the purpose of the MAGTF Strategic Communication (SC) Wargame is to examine the Strategic Communication Concept and to be able to inform doctrine development, identify the DOTMLPF implications, identify and examine the stated and unstated assumptions in the concept and identify the MAGTF capability gaps to execute the SC process.
Past examples include:
- PP&O “How We Fight”. PP&O sponsored the “How We Fight” series of seminar wargames to educate and refine the interim USMC policy for the execution of Security Cooperation procedures.
- USMC Logistics Modernization. The Logistics Modernization (LogMod) Initiative Wargames were the initial iteration of an expected series of unclassified war games to explore the full range of Logistics Modernization issues in support of the Logistics Modernization Solution Planning Directive.