Rapid Capabilities Office

Marine Corps Warfighting Lab
Quantico, VA

MCRCO Division reduces the time between need identification, technological opportunity, and delivery of warfighting capability to the operating forces.  The MCRCO draws upon embedded support from Marine Corps Systems Command while collaborating with organizations such as the office of the Capabilities Development Directorate, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition; Naval Research and Development Establishment, Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activity (MCOTEA); Program Executive Office Land Systems; Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics; Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command; Office of Naval Research, and other Service and Defense Agency Stakeholders.  The MCRCO has no program of record responsibility or standard acquisition authority, however it equips operating forces for operational assessments with high maturity technologies that are safe for warfighter use. The key deliverable from the MCRCO is the Capability Assessment Report that supports the effective transition of capability to the operating forces through USMC and Joint Acquisition Commands.


• Current and anticipated technologies to counter emerging threats

• Operationally Assess mature and emerging “game changing” technology prototypes

• Develop Concept of Employment

• Rapid Prototyping, Experimentation, Demonstration, and equipping for Operational Assessments

• Emerging operational and Marine Corps service needs for which no suitable material solution exists

• New technologies which enable the Marine Corps to maintain its operational and technological superiority over potential adversaries

• The accelerated acquisition process by using Operational Art, emergent technology and mature technology

• Provide a Capabilities Assessment Report (CAR) to impact investment decisions enabling accelerated Requirements Transition Process and Capability Solution Delivery

Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory