The Tentative Manual for Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (TM EABO) was developed as part of an iterative process to test, refine, and codify the Concept for Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations.  It was signed in March 2019 by the Chief of Naval Operations and Commandant of the Marine Corps, to inform force design and development. The manual consists of both unclassified and classified portions that describe how naval forces will conduct expeditionary advanced base operations (EABO) across the competition continuum. The information contained in the manual, is authoritative but not definitive; it provides the official baseline of ideas to be tested but cannot be considered fully formed doctrine.


The primary purpose of this first edition of TM EABO is to provide a baseline of information focused on Force Design 2030 in order to inform the live, virtual, and constructive experimentation that will test and refine force structure and capabilities. These experimental evolutions will enable development of the detailed tactics, techniques, and procedures for employment by the future force. It also provides an educational primer on the ideas, logic, context, and terminology associated with EABO, and establishes a foundation for expansion into formal naval doctrine.


Please email this link with any questions or requests: MCWL PAO


View the manual HERE.


Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory